Friday, June 15, 2012

How MTA will raise fare this time...

Ok boys and girls.
Do you know what season this is?
Yes you do, time to re-visit fare for subways. MTA already done with bridges and tunnels this year. Now it is our turn to shake pocketbooks.
How this raise will be performed.
Simple really.
Most of us already see overcrowded subway cars, unexplained delays at the rush hours, especially on the way back home.
In a few weeks MTA will announce that because of the shortage in their funds they will have to raise fares or face compete shut down of the system.
We all really know that it is not a shortage of funds the issue: it is their greed and financial irresponsibility.
How could the huge company runs year after year with budget deficit and all their management getting yearly/quarterly benefits?
Are we live in communist ruled country?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hoodia or do you have money to waste?

One of the primary arguments that this new weight lose supplements has been used by local African tribes to lower appetite for hundreds of years without any side affects at all.
You know what, fresh bamboo contained about 10 time more than any animal need to be killed of cyanide but for some reason panda consider bamboo as a main dish.
Does this means that you should try it as well?
I would not.
just think about it. Few years back tobacco was main trend in any movie or advertisement. And Indians use tobacco long before European discovered America without any ill affect for their (Indians) health.
Try to light cigarette somewhere in NYC park or in bus. If you lucky you will escape with slightly hurt ego, if not with summons for about $200 total addressed to a city packet...
Got it?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 dead or just to much to handle?

Hey as most of the developers I know about what use to be a great resource for answers and to share your knowledge
Pay attention: use to be.
There is apparently new rules there, if you ask a question and either nobody know answer or just nobody else searching how to resolve the same or similar problem you got banned to post your question or even create new profile. Does not matter how good your reputation was there before!!!
You can earn black mark for something which this site actually originally build and respected for.
For example my profile was banned just because I asked if anyone know how to resolve problem on Counterpoint. Not to many people does even knows what the hell Counterpoint is, so I did expect that those who does can help me in something what used to be a collection of best computer geeks in the world.
So be aware and do not ask questions there if you not sure that there is someone knows answer or at least have similar problem and searching for answers.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Do we even need a brain?

Cheerful American named Carlos Rodriguez lives with virtually no brain. He does not have the frontal lobes, and in general there is little in the skull after a terrible car accident. But he is no different from other people ... when he in his hat.

There is also described a case of the 16th century, when dissected boy, who died 3 years after severe injuries of the skull. The autopsy found he had no brain. How did he live three years? Some scientists believe that there is a so-called "abdominal brain". Indeed, in the stomach and intestines of about 100 million nerve cells, much more than in the spinal cord, for example. As far as Rodriguez, the identity of its totally changed after he had removed more than 60% of the brain, has not changed the memory and cognitive abilities. What was he thinking? To answer this question remains to be learned.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cancer is in genetics!!! Recent discovery from Egypt!!!

Recently scientists discovery in Egypt placed absolute minus on cancer=smoke.
They discovered body of ancient Egyptian over 2200 years old. He were sick and diagnosis was cancer. But how that could of be? 2200 years ago there were no tobacco or cars or any other known pollutants? More over turns out that this is not the first body found like that, with cancer as a primary cos of death in time way before Christianity was even a project.
Well after keep it quiet for over 2 years, and for that this study was performed in Portugal, scientist finally recognized, but not as they should, that cancer is not result of tobacco or anything environmental so far.
Source is click here for source