Friday, December 30, 2011

Tobacco vs marijuana , governments are for... You guess it -- marijuana

Lets look at statistics we gathered in the last 3 years.
Use of tobacco slows down by 7% a year in average. At least 5 millions quits.
Some of the tobacco manufacturing facilities are out or almost out of business.
Government is proud of this achievement.
Why the hell this does not make me happy? Because I am smokers with over 40 years behind or because I know about other statistics.
Use of marijuana grow in the same 3 years by incredible amounts. Over 15 millions people now users. Compare it to 2,5 just 3 years ago. And our government doing more to push people to this road.
I wonder why on earth it (US government) making sure that people quit using tobacco and legalizing use of more dangerous and addictive drugs?
Are we all under control of marijuana mafia or some kind of drug cartel from Mexico?
Look at the statistics and start asking questions.
Why occupy Wall street appeared right after that statistical research was put on the table of current administration and why nobody bothered to ask what the hell is going on? What is the point of that movement if they do not have clear objective? Could it be simple solution to let steam out under controlled conditions before someone actually flash the light on our government?
Marijuana is well know to put people in state of euphoria and lose connection to the real world. Could that be a point for government?
Tobacco on the other hand in old days known as a part of the war time ration for soldiers along with 3-4 ounces(100 metric grams) of alcohol. Anybody care to ask why tobacco and not a heroin, morphine, cocaine or marijuana?
Here is another question for you to think about. States like Virginia, Caroline and Georgia have big stakes in tobacco manufacturing and huge part of the incomes there comes from it. What will happen with all those people? All their life they grow tobacco or worked on tobacco manufacturing facilities. Where will they go?
If you have answers for those question feel free to post here as your comments.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Inconvinient but true

Awhile ago small article has been posted on EPA website.
It went unnoticed by public and there is a good reason for it.
Who in their right mind knows what EPA stands for and what it does.
Actually we all should.
EPA is abbreviation for Environmental Protection Agency, government agency which exists to protect us from poisoning ourselves by polluting environment.
And in most cases it serve to cover government a@#es in case if some whistle blowers start making too much noise about issue such as pollution in water we drink. Because there is always article published on the site of this agency related to any if not all environmental problem we have. Article I am talking about covering huge variety of poisonous materials found in Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn.
Why this is important and why NYC mayor and assembly doing all what they can to cover it up or at least distract public attention?
Let see.
Water from that canal getting into East river and from there into area where fish lives.
Where do you think fresh fish to Manhattan fish market comes from?
Concentration of lead, mercury, sulfates in water from Gowanus is over 100 times more then "acceptable" limits are.
What does EPA and NYC assembly do to protect us?
They ban smoking on public places such as beaches and parks.
I am so happy that they care about our health and well being that I am not going to vote until Bloomberg in power.
They not just wasting our hard earned money which they got as a taxes from our packets, they intentionally endanger our lives by pretending that they care and posting fake health barrier while real health hazard getting into water and on our tables.

BLOMBERG and all his foxes has to GO AWAY.
Honest man would resigned his post after all he did in last 2 years!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

What is behind the noise about quit smoking?

This you can see all over places, TV, hear on radio and even some idiots start making song on that.
What is the truth about smoke and why government pushing this line?
Lets start with one biggest and most obvious: car pollution.
Since there is no actual working solution for poisons getting into people lungs from cars and other internal combustion engines, at least until we run out of oil, government and big fat jerks from oil companies invented escape goat -- tobacco!
Easy and almost ingenious solution.
People wenting air about second hand smoke, creating law for prohibiting smoke in public places etc  remain oblivious to biggest and most dangerous reason of failing nation health..

I just wondering: whom or what they going to blame after cars engines stop throwing thousand gallons of poisoned gases into air and into our lungs? Well we will not have to wait for very long, estimated oil reserves will be gone by 2030 and hopefully I will be around to see it..

But this is the only one of many reason for attacks on smokers and I will shed light on all of it -- one step at the time

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Do you have plans to retire after 2037?

For much of the past 30 years, Social Security has run big surpluses, which the government has borrowed to spend on other programs. Social Security has built up a $2.5 trillion surplus since the retirement program was last overhauled in the 1980s.
Now that Social Security is running deficits, the federal government will have to find money elsewhere to help pay for retirement, disability and survivor benefits.
The $2.5 trillion surplus, however, has been borrowed over the years by the federal government and spent on other programs. In return, the Treasury Department has issued bonds to Social Security, guaranteeing repayment with interest.
Social Security supporters are adamant that the program will be repaid, as one of the tendencies here is what officials and former officials say now:

"It means that Social Security is increasingly adding to our long-term fiscal problem, and it's happening now," said Eugene Steuerle, a former Treasury official who is now a fellow at the Urban Institute think tank.

"So long as Social Security was running surpluses, policymakers could put off the need to fix the program," said Andrew Biggs, a former deputy commissioner at the Social Security Administration who is now a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

Basically all researchers up to date agreed that we should not make any plans to receive retirement paycheck after 2037 because there will be no money by that time in fund which was suppose to be our safety net for the time we no longer able to work.
Money suppose to be our and not government to spent on supporting some third world countries.
What will happens if any of you borrow money from the bank and can not re-pay?
Correct, default followed by calls and visits by collection agencies. Who will collect our money from the government for us?

Mister President, stop wasting money on third world countries who hate us anyway and especially because we help them.

Stop making widows and start creating JOBS!!
Here is some more info on this matter

Friday, November 18, 2011

Weird but true or some statistics medics and insurances do not want you to know

According to 5 years study by insurance companies:
1. Smokers who lives and work in suburbs have 40% less health issies then comparable by age, race and gender none smokers living in cities.
2. Smokers from the same suburbans category developed at least 20-30% less lung and cardio-vascular sickneses then none smokers in city.
3. Among people with parkinson desease 65% has never smoke in their lives!
4. Number of MS among smokers in suburbans is negligeble by comparasin with none smoking city dwellers...

There are much more finding which will not be published for political reasons for now. Allmost all finding indicate that most of the health problems is not tobacco smoke related but enviromental.
More like thank you internal comastion engines!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Perception or something to think about...

Washington, DC Metro Station on a cold January morning in 2007. The man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time approx. 2 thousand people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. After 3 minutes a middle aged man noticed there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried to meet his schedule.

4 minutes later:
The violinist received his first dollar: a woman threw the money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk.

6 minutes:
A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again.

10 minutes:
A 3-year old boy stopped but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. Every parent, without exception, forced their children to move on quickly.

45 minutes:
The musician played continuously. Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while. About 20 gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace. The man collected a total of $32.

1 hour:
He finished playing and silence took over. No one noticed. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before Joshua Bell sold out a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.
This is a true story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people's priorities . The questions raised: in a common place environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?

One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be this: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made.... How many other things are we missing?........... ....

.. ..take the time to smell the flowers..
.dance in the rain....
.blow bubbles.....
.just look around you and smile.......
.....ENJOY. ........

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

To a president Obama, an open letter

Hello Mr. president,
Can you tell me how on earth president and all his advisers could possibly expect economy to grow while people do not have money to spend?
Why is that you may wonder.
Lets start from beginning.
In most of the cities of USA rent is so high that people cannot afford any luxuries at all.
New York city.
Average household income for family of 4 is $44,600.00.
Average rent for one(!!!) bedroom for that same family is $1800, plus utility such as electricity, phone, gas for cooking. All together it sum up to $2000 per month.
For a year it will be $24000.
Taxes for family of 4 plus Medicaid and Social security taxes, federal, local takes out around 20% of income($8,920.00). So how much money left to spend? $44600-$8920-$24000=$11680.
That would be less than $1000 per month for entire family or less than $10 per day per person. Travel to work(school, college etc) is $4.5 now, just a bagel with cup of coffee $2. How much left for dinner and launch - $3.5. What about clothes, books or anything else we must have?
What can we afford to buy?
Barely enough food to just feed our children that is what.
No luxuries or extra spending at all. Even visit to a movie became a grand adventure now.
How do you expect your economy to grow if you do not care about by people who is back bone of that economy?
Why don’t you make rent tax deductible for families earning less than for example $100.000.00 but at the same time raise taxes specifically for landlords with luxury apartments (leases $1200+). In most cases those apartments are the same as regular one, priced as luxury just because landlords pushed rent to go outside of rent regulations law limits.
This way it will prompt landlords to stop raising rents just because they can and politicians to do better jobs to control what is going on in their cities.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Every spring we have fuel cost rises

Every spring we have fuel cost rises and as a result, allegedly, rent goes up.
Why we do not have rent decrease when fuels going down on fall or winter then?
As you may notice in recent years NYC lost lot of population because NYC resident can no longer afford renting apartment in NYC and people moving out to NJ and Long Island.
For example I make about $30 per hour before taxes and my salary did not changed since 2005 because of bad financial situation in NYC, not because I did not deserved a raise. That was clearly stated by company management.
City taxes, state taxes and sales taxes went up.
Cost of health insurance, products prices all went up by almost 100%.
Explain to me how on earth I will support my family when rent increased in the same time by over 20%.
And do I have answer for you on this one.
If politicians did care about us as they claim we would have rent as tax deductible part of our 1040 (or what ever you fill out) form for IRS.
That will force landlords to think is it worth to pay more taxes from their end and assemble people who actually approved rents hike will think how much they will lose from budget after each increase.
Win-win for everybody.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rent increase for New Yorkers another gift from Bloomberg administration.

Every sprint we have fuel cost rises and as a result, allegedly, rent goes up.
Why we do not have rent decrease when fuels going down on fall or winter then?
As you may notice in recent years NYC lost lot of population because NYC resident can no longer afford renting apartment in NYC and people moving out to NJ and Long Island.
For example I make about $30 per hour before taxes and my salary did not changed since 2005 because of bad financial situation in NYC, not because I did not deserved a raise. That was clearly stated by company management.
City taxes, state taxes and sales taxes went up.
Cost of health insurance, products prices all went up by almost 100%.
Explain to me how on earth I will support my family when rent increased in the same time by over 20%.

Friday, March 18, 2011

How much worth (bribe have to be given) job position protected by the union?

Ok guys,
with in couple weeks from today I will post article about how to start working for NYC departments and if you really need to give a bribe to someone.
Who that someone should be etc.
I just need to verify some of the facts which became available to me and then you will read how that should be done.
Or should it?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Open letter to WHO of UN

Hello employees of WHO,
I am wondering why is that you attacking all tobacco smokers and keep ignoring biggest smoke producers in the world -- cars?

How much does oil industry paying to you to keep you silent on that issue.
Or it simple that you can not do calculation on how much more smoke (and much more dangerous poisons, if you would like to know) comes out of single tale-pipe of the gas burning car in a minute then from couple hundred smokers per hour?
Why are you silent about health effects of pollutions from cars and any other internal combustion engines?

Do you know how many people has die because of the health effects of the breathing those poisons compare by tobacco smoking?

Single car poisoning hundreds if not thousands around him while driving and you say nothing about that.

Why do you scream about single smokers who, you not even sure, have any effect on couple people close to him?

Stop wasting taxpayers money on false issues which is used by FAT CATS from oil companies to mask real problems.

Monday, February 7, 2011

What does WHO has to say about second-hand smoking and why report got buried?

According to a WHO report of 1999 there was no evidence that second-hand smoking killed. It showed , interestingly, that children, who grew up with smoking parent(s) had a less risk of getting lung cancer, and as a second result they ususally do not smoked!!!

What happened to this report? Who buried it?

When the anti-smokers realized enstrom & Kabat's upcoming results they stopped funding it and buried it!
Small historical data: Hitler was an extreme anti-smoker;
apparently he got beaten by chain-smoking FDR, Stalin & cigar-hero Churchill.
Pick your favorite of the 4-some and vote here...

P.S. For those who does not know what WHO is.
WHO is a small organization within UN (United Nation) and stand for World Health Organization.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What is wrong with New York city government?

I have lived in this city for the last 20 years and it still amazes me, how tolerant or ignorant people to actions of city government.
Last week city counsel wasted hundreds of work hours(who knows how much did it cost for each and every one of us) to create law and break US Constitution once again.
I am talking about prohibition on smoking in parks and beaches of the New York city. It purpose in reality not just prohibit us from smoking but to divert attention of the public from real and dangerous situation with city environment.
Best example is in the Brooklyn Gowanus canal.
Level of poisons there well over lethal dose for any human being: Mercury over 100 time over acceptable limits, sulfate, oil, lead and many more.
What does counsel do about it? Exactly nothing, they vote to prohibit smoking in public places which create a diversion and outrage public screams about it everywhere. Meanwhile small post in EPA website goes unnoticed and soon to be forgotten.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Who does MTA working for?

When MTA was created idea was that one hand will drive this company to a single goal -- increase and improved service for all people who lives and work in NYC, even this creation went against anti monopoly law of the USA--most of us cheered because we were tired of all those nonsenses we had to face on our daily life's with jumping between buses and subways.
Did it help? I do not think so.
Let see.

#1.Price wise we jumped from$1.25 to $2.50 in less then 10 years.
     How much did your salary grow in the same period of time?

#2. Service improvement-- what exactly is that? I do not see any. Instead I had to wait at least 3 times longer on subway stop for the next train when I missed my regular one. On top of that we got new and "improved" cars, but for some reason nobody mentioned that those things smaller then original by at least 15%.
What do I mean-- original car manufactured back in 1999 had capacity of 170+ people per car with room to spare. New R2 model can accommodate at best 130,  if you do not mind crowd standing so tight that there is no room for sheet of paper to squeeze between 2 people.

 #3. MTA invented new terms of bus service--LIMITED.
What exactly does that means for us? Well, drivers not obligated to stop on the bus stops when they do not feel like it. Even if stop marked for "LIMITED" service. I do not want to put any racial content in here but if you look in some of those "LIMITED" lines you will see following.
In area where population mostly white (Jewish, Russian, Asian etc) "LIMITED" service is really limited to one bus stop per 10-15 street blocks, while in areas populated by black and Spanish speaking--every 2-3 blocks. I wonder why...
Examples-- take a look at B6 or B82 bus lines.
Between Bay 38 street and E38 street  B82 LIMITED have 10 official stops, while on Flatland Ave between E38 and E103 streets(same distance) it has stops on every third street block. More over south of Bay 38 and after 103 street it performing local service(bus stop on every block!) to the end of the route along with regular B82!!! And if the drivers see single person on the bus stop there -- they stop to pick that person. Why it is different in between those two areas? Could it be because white people do not shoot at passing buses?
Same goes for B6 LIMITED.
Also both B6 and B82 makes really weird loop around shopping mall to accommodate shopping needs of local african-american and spanish speaking population in area of E101 street.

Lets do small analysis of how MTA concern for safety of the passengers in that context.
As we all aware by now terrorists will strike where chances for their failure is minimal.
Soft target, as it is called, mostly big crowd unprotected by police or any other security means -- for terrorist like honey for the bees.
Airports protected by internal security as well as police which makes terrorist attacks there less likely.
Subways stations with long platform not as attractive as a subway cars, but random police checkpoints presence in the stations increased chances for failure of terrorist attacks as well. Now introduction of the new smaller cars and decrease in subway service does open up new possibilities for dumb jerk with 5 pound of home made explosive striped to his chest.

Stand the reason another question: why does MTA creates those big crowds intentionally by introduction of the "LIMITED" bus services. And for some reason only in area where terrorist attacks had more chances any way. No police coverage and huge concentration of none-Muslim, Jewish people in the crowd waiting for the next bus. What could be more attractive?

I am publishing this article for everyone to see and when someone blow up bus stop or subway car I want to be sure that MTA well aware of it.
I will personally hold MTA responsible and bring to court cases for the families of people injured there. 

Link to this article will be sent to MTA as of 2/1/2011 as a warning.